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TAROT - The Meaning of the Cards

Princess of Swords


The Princess (Page) of the Swords, like the other little ones, means an impulse, opportunity or experience coming from outside. In the case of the Princess of the Swords, this impulse sometimes illuminates things, touches it as a fresh breeze, and suddenly we see it clearly, help us analyze and understand complex relationships. Usually, however, it also denotes conflict, strife, or even a quarrel ending with a break. In this sense, he warns us that we should observe the clouds that carry hail in time, or that the conflict that arises should not be increased unnecessarily, but rather mitigated through clearer discussions.


Crowley Thoth Tarot: Court Cards - Dignitaries - The Princess of Swords
Tarot Swords Princess


The Princesses represent the He’ final of the Name. They represent the ultimate issue of the original Energy in its completion, its crystallization, its materialization. They also represent the counter-balancing, the re-absorption of the Energy. They represent the Silence into which all things return. They are thus at the same time permanent and non-existent. An audit of the equation 0=2.

The Princesses have no Zodiacal attribution. Yet evidently they represent four types of human being. They are those numerous “elemental” people whom we recognize by their lack of all sense of responsibility, whose moral qualities seem to lack “bite”. They are sub-divided according to planetary predominance. Such types have been repeatedly described in fiction. As Eliphaz Levi wrote: “The love of the Magus for such creatures is insensate, and may destroy him”.

The Princess of Swords represents the earthy part of Air, the fixation of the volatile. She brings about the materialization of Idea. She represents the influence of Heaven upon Earth. She partakes of the characteristics of Minerva and Artemis, and there is some suggestion of the Valkyrie. She represents to some extent the anger of the Gods, and she appears helmed, with serpent-haired Medusa for her crest. She stands in front of a barren altar as if to avenge its profanation, and she stabs downward with her sword. The heaven and the clouds, which are her home, seem angry.

The character of the Princess is stern and revengeful. Her logic is destructive. She is firm and aggressive, with great practical wisdom and subtlety in material things. She shews great cleverness and dexterity in the management of practical affairs, especially where they are of a controversial nature. She is very adroit in the settlement of controversies.

If ill-dignified, all these qualities are dispersed; she becomes incoherent, and all her gifts tend to combine to form a species of low cunning whose object is unworthy of the means.

In the Yi King, the earthy part of Air is represented by the 18th hexagram, Ku. This means “troubles”; it is, for all practical and material matters. The most unhappy symbol in the book. All the fine qualities of Air are weighed down, suppressed, suffocated.

People thus characterized are slow mentally, the prey of constant anxiety, crushed by every kind of responsibility, but especially in family affairs. One of both of the parents will usually be found in the aetiology.

It is hard to understand line 6, which “shows us one who does not serve either king or feudal lord, but in a lofty spirit prefers to follow his own bent”. The explanation is that a Princess as such, being “the throne of Spirit”, may always have the option of throwing everything overboard, “blowing everything sky high”. Such action would account for the characteristics above given for the card when well dignified. Such people are exceedingly rare; and, naturally enough, they appear often as “Children of misfortune”. Nevertheless, they have chosen aright, and in due season gain their reward. 

  [Source: The Book of Thoth]


Raven's Tarot - The Princess of Swords (Princess of the Rushing Winds)
Tarot Swords Princess


Tree of Life - Malkuth

Astrology: Venus in the Air signs
Element and world: The Earth in the Air of Yetzirah
Tree of Life: Malkuth

The Princess of Swords is the earthy child of her element, the wind over the grounds of Assiah. Her logic can be destructive, she is perceptive, serious and rigorous, yet she can show the characteristica of a child that lacks morality and nobility. 

Therefore, the Princess of Swords can get stubborn and cruel, and while beginning to think indepedently about something, she can turn very discriminating and egoistic, showing aggressivity whenever the result is not to her delight. In the Earth, all the free qualities of Air get surpressed and restricted. 

At her best, the Princess of Swords can be very practicle and clever, showing fine skills when dealing with material matters or conflicting opinions, she can be generous and kind once she lost the inner fear and insecurity that results from the natural incompability between Earth and Air.

Drive: Impulsive, curious, 

Light: Careful, courageous, serious 

Shadow: Malicious, cruel, spiteful, wasteful, failure to recognize facts, aggression, destruction

  [Source: Raven's Tarot Site]


Tarot Swords Knave

THE PAGE OF SWORDS - (Knave / Princess of Swords) - Mars 3rd House; Mars - Mercury - Debate

Keywords: earthly aspect of the air, bringing clouds to light, victory over your mood, rebellion

Advice: Your thoughts and insights can sometimes break down "holy" altars. Do not allow yourself to be buried by rising debris. Don't let your moods rule you. Stay true to your true ideals.

Questions: What old altars are present in your environment, in your life? Do you have the courage to destroy these?

Suggestion: Look inside yourself to see if your rebellion is rooted in love.

Revelation: My rebellion is positive, constructive and creative.


Ji-Ching: None (?)

Mythology: The Debaters (…)

Keywords: debate, unevenness

The smaller the enemy, the greater his anger.


The Page of Swords
Tarot Swords Page


General Meaning

This card is traditionally entitled The Page, but in some modern decks appears as a Princess. The traditional interpretation is about a messenger, an emissary or liaison between separate camps, charged with faithfully representing one side's communications to the other. Because of this role, we do not think of this person as a servant, but rather as a diplomat, facilitating sensitive negotiations, often under difficult conditions.

This person is acting as the eyes and ears of her patron, and so she is sometimes referred to as The Watchman. Even kings are powerless if this messenger chooses to use her access to sensitive information for her own gain, as is implied by her other name, The Spy.

She could even be working as a double agent, playing both sides against each other to serve her own agenda. Her title is really camouflage in itself, serving as protective coloration so she can move among the people unrecognized, collecting information anonymously. Her vigilance often conceals an ulterior motive. She is a watcher who must herself be watched, because she dreams of someday taking matters into her own hands, preempting the plans of her employers.

In the Reversed Position

When the Page of Swords is reversed, it may be that one's critical tendencies are given too much leeway. Although you may declare a need to state the truth, a primary urge may be to recount another's shortcomings.

Analyze your possible prejudice, instead of the weakness of others. Don't take a stand against another until you have cleared any feelings of resentment or a punitive motive — or else your attitude problem might undermine the truth of your message. Your best work is done when you are most objective. An urge to be overly discriminating destroys objectivity and can lead to conflict.

In the Advice Positon

When the Page of Swords (in some decks, a Princess) is in this position, the situation requires subtle change in order for it to be brought to the highest good for all concerned. In contrast to times when one can best serve the greater good by being visible and heroic, this is a time when you must keep your own counsel, cover your tracks and stealthily accomplish what would be impossible to complete without privacy.

Reduce your profile and increase your anonymity, no matter how your self-image might suffer. Although it would be gratifying to accomplish what needs to be done and be aboveboard about it, that cannot be a priority at present.

  [Source: Tarot.com]


Read more:

  • » The Book of Thoth - A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians by Aleister Crowley.
  • » Liber LXXVIII - On the Tarot - A complete treatise on the Tarot giving the correct designs of the cards with their attributions and symbolic meanings on all planes. - A description of the Cards of the Tarot, with their attributions, including a method of divination by their use.
  • » Manuscript N - The Tarot - A Golden Dawn Manuscript - A Theoricus Adeptus Minor Paper.
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